At the Library

November is Aviation History Month

Posted on November 1, 2016

These days, with relatively easy global travel at our fingertips, we tend to take flight for granted. This month, Aviation History Month, learn how humanity conquered the skies.aviationhistory

Explore how the Wright brothers discovered their passion for flight, how Charles Lindbergh found his love for flying, or how Amelia Earhart became the first female pilot. Discover the role that flight has played in major world wars and throughout the 21st century. And next time you take a flight, remember all it took to get us up in the air!


Did you know?

The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brothers’ first flight of 120 feet. The wings stretch 195 feet!1

There are approximately 61,000 people in the air over the United States at any given hour!2