Facts About WFL
Guiding Principle
By taking a proactive, affirmative approach to innovation, the WFL will strive to remain a community gathering place as well as a leader among public libraries.
A Year in the Life of Wellesley Free Library
This is what happened at the Wellesley Free Library from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023:
There are 20,464 Wellesley residents with library cards. The Library is open 7 days a week. There are 158,818 books in the Library’s collection, 17,577 DVDs, 14,256 music CDs and audio books, 97,737 eBooks and downloadable audio books. The Library subscribes to 122 magazines and 33 locally owned databases.
- 297,839 people of all ages walked through the doors. Each had an individual reason for visiting the Library;
- 629,713 items were checked out or renewed;
- 475,568 of items circulated were books;
- 36,026 questions were answered by Staff — by phone, email and through the website;
- 21,273 children, teens and adults attended 1,025 live, and virtual programs including storytime, craft and computer classes;
- There were 366,627 hits recorded on the website;
- 76 volunteers donated 2,358 hours to teach in our ESOL program and provide other important support activities;
- 70 full and part-time employees worked to serve you.