The Main Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for President’s Day

Exhibit Policy


As part of the Wellesley Free Library’s (WFL) mission of playing an educational and cultural role in the community, the WFL provides space for displays and exhibits of art. The displays also provide an opportunity to showcase local talent to the community.


The Wellesley Free Library accepts applications for exhibit space from groups and individuals residing in Massachusetts or working or attending school in the Town of Wellesley. Applications are reviewed by the Wellesley Free Library Art Review Committee and Assistant Director on a rolling basis for acceptance.  Bookings are made for the current or next calendar year based on available space. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received.  Selection to exhibit and assignment of space is made at the discretion of the Committee and the Assistant Director. The decision of the Committee and the Assistant Director is final.

Exhibitors who have been accepted will receive an email confirming their acceptance to exhibit at the Wellesley Free Library and the assigned date of their exhibit. Following acceptance of the assigned date by the artist, the Library will send a confirmation letter detailing dates for installation and removal of the exhibit.

Before making a repeat request for exhibit space, applicants must wait a year form the date of their most recent exhibit and cannot have multiple exhibits within a 24-month period unless the Library’s exhibit space has not been filled. Follow-up exhibits should contain new works rather than works previously exhibited at eth Wellesley Free Library.


• Must be submitted on the form that is available on the WFL website and is available in the Main Library Administrative office.
• Must include all requested information.
• Must include examples of the work for review.  (Original artwork should not be included in these examples-photographs, DVDS, and links to websites are acceptable.) The WFL will not be responsible for original work submitted in contravention of this policy.

Download Application

Download Children’s Exhibit Application


• Paintings, photographs and artwork must be framed and fill the space the space allocated.
• All materials displayed on Library walls must be the artist’s original work.

• Materials in the display cases may be original or may be curated by the exhibitor (e.g. collected objects or materials organized around a particular topic).

• If the work is for sale, prices may not be displayed with the work.

• An information or price guide with artist contact information may be placed on a designated table as determined by the Library.


While a primary purpose of exhibits is to provide a showcase for local talent, Professional portrait photographers and artists are welcome to apply but the purpose of the exhibit, however, cannot solely be to attract new clients. Exhibits will be declined if they are determined to be solely of a commercial nature.


The content of an exhibit should be suitable for patrons of all age groups and not of a nature that could discourage patrons from using the library or cause disruption of Library services. Exhibits should support the mission, vision and values of the WFL. The Director and/or her designee may remove any exhibit item at any time that does not meet these content guidelines.


Exhibits may include printed materials provided by the exhibitor describing how displayed materials may be purchased and their cost. Such printed material should be neatly displayed in a location designated by the Library and maintained by the exhibitor. The Library requires that 10% of proceeds be contributed to the library. Exhibitors or their agents must be present if a sold item is to be retrieved from an exhibit. Exhibitors or their agents may not transact any additional sale or commercial business related to the exhibit on Library property.)


Receptions may be held in association with exhibits displayed in the Wakelin Room only, and the receptions must take place in the Wakelin Room.  Refreshments for receptions are provided at the expense of the Exhibitor. Room reservations for exhibit-related receptions and presentations must be booked in accordance with the WFL Meeting Room Policy.  There is no meeting room charge for a reception or exhibit-related presentation. A reception or exhibit-related presentation will be limited to a maximum of 2 hours.   The Wakelin Room must remain open to the public during a reception. Exhibitors requesting use of the James E. Mahoney Foyer display space may not hold a reception.


All exhibitor publicity regarding the exhibit is solely the responsibility of the exhibitor and must not imply that the WFL has endorsed or otherwise recommended exhibited material.  Mention of the WFL in publicity must be limited to stating viewing dates, times, and location. The WFL may, in its discretion, publicize the exhibit, in which case the WFL reserves the right to determine appropriate means and content of any and all WFL publicity for the exhibit.


Neither the Wellesley Free Library nor the Town of Wellesley is liable for any damage, loss, disappearance or theft of any artwork, exhibit item or any other part of an exhibit or any financial damages or bodily harm caused by, or related to, an exhibit.  The exhibitor assumes all risks.


The exhibitor or a responsible party representing the exhibitor must sign the application and assume responsibility for compliance with this policy.  Penalties for non-compliance may include, but are not limited to, immediate termination of the exhibit, permanent banning from exhibiting, and/or payment for damages.    


The attached Appendix A provides guidelines for the exhibitor.

The attached Appendix B describes the areas in the main library where artwork and/or exhibits may be displayed.  


In the event of any ambiguity, the Director’s interpretation of these regulations shall prevail subject to the final decision of the Board of Library Trustees.


 Procedures for Mounting an Exhibit

  1. Exhibit setup is assigned by the Library. No part of the setup process may start on Library property before the assigned day. 
  2. Artwork may not be dropped off at the Library prior to the installation date.
  3. Exhibits are generally of one-month duration.  Exhibits are open to the public during regular Library hours; no admission fee may be charged.
  4. The Library provides space and hangers but no other services in regard to personal staff assistance, materials, setup or takedown assistance or other related expenses.  Exhibitors must use the hanging system provided by the library.
  5. All exhibits must use areas with picture rail.  Lighting, A/V material or electronic media supplied by the exhibitor must first be approved by the Assistant Director and should be noted on the application.  
  6. Paintings, photographs and artwork must be framed and fill the display space allocated.  As a guideline, the Wakelin Room can handle approximately 25 works approximately 24″ wide.
  7. The exhibit must not impede traffic flow in the lobbies, hallways or safety exits.  Any use of the floor space is not allowed.
  8. One easel or other prominent display board may accompany exhibits in the Wakelin Room and should include information related to the sponsor and the topic of the exhibit. The easel must not impede access within the room or to other rooms.  No floor standing easel or display board is allowed outside the Wakelin Room.
  9. The exhibitor may mount small cards describing each exhibited item.  Prices may not be mounted on or near the exhibited items.  
  10. Any identifying information should be affixed to the artwork or to the wall with Elmer’s tack putty or the equivalent.
  11. For the Wakelin and Foyer exhibits additional explanatory material and handouts may be provided on a table designated by the Library for such purpose.  Handout material may include prices of exhibited items for sale.  Exhibitors are solely responsible for the supply and maintenance of this material.
  12. Receptions contained within the Wakelin Room may be arranged only for exhibitors whose work hangs in the Wakelin Room.  Refreshments may be served at receptions within the Wakelin Room.  Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.  No receptions may be held for exhibitors whose artwork hangs in the Foyer.
  13. No sales or other commercial business transactions relating to the exhibit are permitted on WFL property.  WFL Staff is not permitted to act as agents for any exhibitor. 



1st Floor Main Library                                                              
Wakelin Meeting Room 76’ x 5’ high on east, south and north walls, picture rail, no spotlights, beige vinyl background                   
James E. Mahoney Foyer  30’ x 6’ high, picture rail, spotlights, convex curved cherry wood paneling’ 33 ft. long                                 
1st Floor Main Library     
Book Display Area   One 3’wide x 4’ high x 1’ deep lighted, locked glass-front display cases  
Jackie’s (Computer) Room    Two 2’ wide x 5’ high x 8” deep, locked, glass- front display cases 
Commons Entrance  Two 2’ wide x 6.5’ high x 8” deep, lighted, locked, glass double-sided display cases
Commons Adjacent to Fish Tank  4’ wide x 5’ high x 14.5” deep, lighted, locked, glass front display case                                     
Commons Back Wall3.25’ wide x 5.75’ high x 8” deep, lighted, locked, glass front display case

Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the Director and/or Board of Library Trustees. 

Revised and approved 10/08/2024 by the WFL Board of Trustees