Summer Schedule (July 1st – September 1st)
Main Branch – Closed on Sundays; Hills & Fells Branches – Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays

Confidentiality of Patron Records & Law Enforcement Searches Policy



The Wellesley Free Library supports every patron’s right to have his or her library records remain confidential as specified by the M.G.L. Chapter 78, section 7 to the extent that it is consistent with federal law.  Library records include patron registration data, circulation records, overdue and reserve records, participation in library sponsored programs, record of library visits, and/or any data that contains information that links a specific patron to specific materials or services used.  Each person has individual control over his or her borrower’s card and presentation of the card permits access to information about the borrower’s current circulation record.  Except during the period of the transaction, the library does not maintain any record of transactions

Consequently, no confidential information on library patrons will be revealed to the authorities without presentation of a subpoena or search warrant.

The library retains only as much information as required to provide services unless a patron specifically requests otherwise.  Personal information on patrons is discarded as soon as it is no longer needed.  The library keeps no permanent record of materials borrowed, Internet sites visited, electronic databases used, or searches performed by patrons.

Search Policy

If a search warrant is produced, the Wellesley Free Library shall cooperate and assist law enforcement to produce all information and/or materials within the scope of the warrant.

No permission shall be granted by the Wellesley Free Library to law enforcement officials to conduct a search absent a warrant.

If law enforcement is unable to produce a warrant but asserts a legal right to conduct a warrantless search, the Director or her designee may, at his/her discretion, provide guidance to law enforcement.

All law enforcement requests for information should be directed to the Library Director or a designated representative.

Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the director and/or board of library trustees.

Approved 1/12/2010 by the WFL Board of Trustees