The Main Library will be closed on Monday, January 20th, 2025 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Main Library hours are Monday through Thursday 9am-9pm
Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm
Hills Branch Tuesday and Thursday 10am-8pm; Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10am-5pm
Fells Branch Tuesday through Saturday 10am-5pm

Test Administration Service Policy


The Wellesley Free Library (WFL) to provides test administration services free of charge to support lifelong learning.

Test Administration Includes the Following

  • Library space to take tests
  • Access to the Internet via a public computer workstation or wireless
  • A local contact person to receive the test from the institution and provide the test (either paper or online) to the test taker
  • Verification of the test taker’s identity

Prior to Test Administration

  • Students must contact the Reference Department to make arrangements by telephone or in person with a librarian at least 48 hours in advance.
  • Test administration will be based upon Reference Librarian availability.
  • If needed, librarians forward information to the specified instructor, defining WFL’s policy and procedure for test administration and indicating that by sending a test or test password to WFL, the instructor acknowledges the terms of the service.
  • Completed tests will be retained no more than 30 days.
  • Forms and documents related to tests not taken will be retained no more than 30 days.

At the Time of Test Administration

  • No special software can be installed on a WFL desktop computer in order to complete a test. Arrangements may be made in advance for the purpose of installing special software on a library laptop computer.
  • Librarians require the test taker to present a picture I.D. before taking the test.
  • Librarians will not observe/monitor the student during the test.
  • For written tests, librarians provide the test to the student. If the test was printed by the librarian from an e-mail message, the test taker must pay the photocopy costs
  • For online tests, librarians enter the test password on a public computer or personal computer, but cannot agree to terms that conflict with WFL policy.

After Test Administration

  • If requested, librarians will return a completed test directly to the institution via scan or email. The cost and preparation of any other delivery method (US Mail, commercial delivery service, fax) will be the responsibility of the individual.
  • The test taker is responsible for any postage costs.
  • Librarians will not photocopy completed tests.
  • Librarians will not sign a proctoring verification that attests to more than the service provided in this policy.

Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the director and/or board of library trustees.

Approved 3/07/2016 by the WFL Board of Trustees