Main Library hours are Monday through Thursday 9am – 9pm
Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm
Hills Branch Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 8pm, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10am to 5pm
Fells Branch Tuesday through Saturday 10am to 5pm

Public Participation at Trustee Board Meetings Policy



The Board of Library Trustees (the Board) recognizes and encourages the right of the public to participate in its government.  In order to provide an opportunity for the public to participate at its meetings, the Chair shall designate a time for “Citizen Speak” at the beginning of each meeting during which the public may address non-agenda items.  The amount of time allotted to Citizen Speak is at the discretion of the Chair, who shall take into consideration the importance of public participation as well as its obligation to conduct the regularly scheduled business of the Library.

A member of the public shall speak only after being recognized by the Chair.  When addressing the Board, each such person shall provide a name and address for the record.   While the person is speaking the Board shall give due attention to the speaker and may ask questions for clarification purposes.  Other than limited questions for clarification, the Board will not engage in a discussion during Citizen Speak.  If further discussion is warranted at the discretion of the Chair, the matter will be included on a future agenda with due notice to the public.


A member of the public wishing to address the Board regarding an agenda item may speak only after being recognized by the Chair.  Such recognition is solely at the discretion of the chair.  The Chair may also invite guests it believes will provide relevant information to the Board about an agenda item.  Guests may include, but are not limited to, other Town departments’ members and professionals or experts in a particular area.  When addressing the Board, each such guest shall provide a name and title, if appropriate, for the record.   All discussion regarding agenda items shall be directed by the Chair. 

Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the director and/or board of library trustees.

Approved 12/4/2019 by the WFL Board of Trustees